Internet Of Things and Farming
The Internet of Things is a way of connecting once independent bits of machinery into a network in order to allow programmatic coordination of various functions. One category of such functions is environment sensors. Small electronic devices are scattered throughout the crops on Pilgrim Farms. These devices detect metrics such as temperature and soil moisture levels and transit these measures to a central server for processing. If moisture levels become dangerously low, for example, we an alarm will go off, notifying us that we need to adjust to compensate. Taking this idea even further, we have also began implementing automated sprinklers that turn on when these alarms go off. Once the moisture levels are optimal, they switch back off. This way, we only use what we need.
The end result is a more sustainable, greener farm.
Not only does this system make our farm more efficient, but it also allows us to provide higher quality products. By reducing the amount of water used, we also reduce the likelihood of fungal growths that can often contaminate food sources. In addition, automated systems allow for more consistent conditions. This results in fewer imperfections and a more reliable product for our consumers.
The future of farming lies in the Internet of Things. By utilizing these cutting edge technologies, we can provide better food while using fewer resources. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.
If you’re interested in learning more about our IoT setup, or you’re a farmer looking to implement similar technology on your own farm, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d be happy to chat. Thanks for reading!